2. Being paid shit for teaching (no, seriously).
3. Trying to say something nice about poorly-phrased fragmentary sentences
4. Trying not to write in poorly-phrased fragmentary sentences about absolutely nothing, rendered in unfortunate grammar and sloppy syntax, after hours of wading through the said sentences.
5. Not writing in permanent marker on the dry-erase board
6. Being too lazy to preview an avantgarde film prior to showing it to a class of conservative middle-class students, whose only reaction was, "Does anyone actually PAY to see this movie?!".
7. Realizing that although the said film shared the same title as the novel we were reading, it not only had absolutely nothing to do with it, but also included full-screen penus shots, masturbation, female and male prostitution, a naked blind man taking a crap, and a deformed female dwarf--all in the first five or so minutes, even before the opening credits.
8. Being asked by the students to show the second half of the said film the following week.
9. Preparing for the painful hiatus on RYS.
10. Preparing for the painful hiatus on RYS while trying to taper off my meds (no, seriously).