Like the writer of Guilty, I had a sexual relationship with a student a number of years ago. It was consensual, harmed nobody else, and years later we married and had a great daughter we named after the author of the textbook from the class where we met!
I don't think the writer of "Guilty" really did get away with it. He seems haunted still, and while it's not as good as letting me kick the shit out of him - because he has to be a scumbag - it's about as good as we can expect at this point.
Why did you get away with it? What do you want us to tell you--that it's because you're a better lover? That you're kinder, more caring, or otherwise more sensitive to your student-lover's personal worth and dignity? You, sir, disgust me - not for fucking a student, and not for getting away with it, but for sleeping last night or any night since the afternoon of that vote.
"No hard feelings, no repercussions." Well, aren't you a dandy little father figure then. Castration would be too good for a prick like you.
I have the same story, and at the end of the affair, in fact years later, the student and I remained friends. He married a fellow student. I married a colleague, and the affair did not drive either of us insane or damn us to hell-fire. It's not like I teach at a middle school.
Guilt is not enough. Making you a gelding would satisfy me. You're a predator, and if you admit to one indiscretion, it's almost bona-fides proof that you've done it since and maybe even right now. Use the guilt you feel to shape up, stop your abuse, and tender your resignation.
RYS moderators, I think you have a moral responsibility to "out" the writer of "Guilty," or at the very least contact the Dean and head of security at his college immediately. If you do not do this, then you are every bit as guilty as he is, and I sincerely think legal actions can be brought against you. I'll be happy to be a part of that. The writer of the post disgusts me, and this website needs to get authorities involved NOW, or I'll find a way to shut you down or force you to reveal the original source.