A professor can be close friends with a student, but not while he or she must grade their work. And if students and professors are real peers, then why charge tuition? Don't professors have some accumulated knowledge and experience that justifies paying in order to be taught by them? "Going about the business of learning as real peers," is a giant rip-off. My professor is not my peer. He graduated college before I was born, has advanced degrees in mathematics and more than 30 years of experience in the industry, has written several notable books, and is considered an expert in his field. Isn't it a bit ridiculous to pretend we're "peers" when the very reason I'm paying tuition is to learn from people who are not my peers? If he announced that he knows nothing more about mathematics than I do, why would I bother sitting through his classes?
You can be friendly with people without inviting them to your home. I get along very well with my classmates and coworkers, yet have never been to their home or vice-versa. It's not that students and professors should never be friends, but one friend should not wield power over the other. That is not friendship, no matter how much we might want to believe that it is. Just as my boss believes the employees who attend her Christmas party are her friends, rather than employees who want to be in her good graces. If there is real potential for friendship between professors and students, surely it can wait until the semester is over so the issue of grades does not preclude actual friendship?