Monday, April 16, 2007

Life's Rich Tapestry

Random student observations from a large, intro-level course on a random Tuesday in April:
  • eating (3 - sandwich, salad, muffin)

  • drinking (too many to count - coffee, fruit smoothie, diet coke, bottled water)

  • cell phone ringing (3 different phones rang during the 1 hour and 20 minute lecture)

  • texting on cell phones (3)

  • leaving class to use the restroom (5)

  • leaving class to use cell phone (1)

  • tripping over a backpack while leaving class to answer cell phone (1)

  • leaving class before the lecture ended (7 - the first person left a mere 45 minutes after class began)

  • kissing (1 pair)

  • sleeping (too many to count)

  • sleeping while snuggling (2 pairs: 1 lovebirds, 1 platonic, friends-with-benefits?)

  • having a 1-hour-and-20-minute long conversation with two friends while laughing and pointing at a laptop, texting, AND sitting next the to the T.A. (1 trio)

  • having shorter conversations with friends (4 duos or trios)

  • dropping a pen/pencil/back-pack/notebook (3)

  • e-mailing (4)

  • shopping online (1)

  • watching an online video (1)