OK, let's see here.
You did a so-so job on your homework assignments, worth 35% of your quarter
grade, and you attended class more often than not; attendance and participation was worth 10% of your grade. You managed to pass your quizzes, although just barely; quizzes were worth 25%.

You decided not to turn in anything for your quarter project, worth 15% of your grade, and you flunked the final exam, also worth 15%. So, guess what? You flunked the class. You tried really, really hard to just barely pass, and you just barely missed it. Too bad.
And now, two weeks after the quarter is over and done with, grades have been submitted, we're on to a new quarter altogether, and I don't have you in class any more: NOW, your MOMMY wants to email me and express her concerns about how you're doing in the class??
Sheesh. Maybe you ought to go sit down and have a conversation with Mom.