To succeed in college, ideally, you are bright and motivated. My students this semester are lazy and dumb
They could be lazy, but bright. They won't do the work, and they'll try to dazzle me with their plethora of excuses. It'll be ok, though, because basketweaving, well, it's not rocket science. The bright ones can usually muddle through on their own once the hammer comes down.
They could be dumb, but hardworking. I could live with that. I have to work a little harder...teach a little better, but I can do that.
But honeys, this batch I have this semester...we have this department final in basketweaving
So when I told them today that if they fail this final thingie, they'll have to take technical basketweaving again, they were acting all surprised and shocked. For about 30 seconds. Then dumb and lazy won again.
I hate them.