Thanks to all for fessing up your salary numbers. We got so many in the first 90 minutes of the posting that we thought we'd share them now. Please keep sending info in, though.
And in response to countless notes from the more wonky readers: Yes, we know none of this data is statistically significant or valid or whatever. We know that we didn't collect the "right" information or "matching datasets." But then again we did shoot an 84 yesterday with pars on 16, 17, & 18! And that's really all we care about.
$42,500 in your fourth year for a 4/4 at a SLAC? That's hard to believe. We would pay newly graduated adjuncts more than that for a 4/4. I teach at a university in the South in the sciences. I alternate between a 1/1 and a 1/2 load. This year I'll make $105,500; though that includes summer salary off of grants. I'm an associate professor in my eight year.
- $55,000.
- I was just hired as an assistant professor at a small state college in the South, in the humanities. Starting salary: $51,000. 3/3 load. Spending freeze in effect: no travel money, can't even get compensated for business cards.
- I took a full-time job at a University in the Midwest. I am the coordinator for a major ‘weeding’ course and teach about 18 contact hours a week. I make just over $31,000 – plus another $2,000 for giving up half of my summer.
- $57,000 in chemistry. I occasionally teach summer which pays extra. I do research occasionally with funded summer salary. I still need to sell a gazillion textbooks to make ends meet.
- I was very fortunate to get a VAP spot at a cool school in upstate NY. $60,000 plus a ton of perks.
- $47,000, but no raises in the past 3 years.
- I am starting my second year of T-T at a New England state college, I started at $52,000 but after I was hired I heard I might have been able to negotiate to $55,000 for previous fulltime adjunct work. I was so happy to get hired I basically took their first offer.
- I teach at the R1 flagship in my state. I'm an assistant professor with a 2/2 load and going into my fifth year. I make $72,000.
- I teach as an adjunct at a colossal community college in the southwest. I normally teach 8 classes a year (4/4) and my gross (!) pay is $19,000.
- 3/3 load. $65,000.
- At my SLAC in the Midwest, I'm fully tenured, teach 4/4, and make $49,500.
- I'm in my second year at a faux-Ivy in the NE. I teach 2/2 and make $77,750.
- Non-tenure-track instructor in a very cold state. $32,000.
- I'm in my tenure year in a large California university. I teach 3/2 (1 release for administration) and make $94,000.
- $12,000 per annum.
- I'm in my third year as a Business proffie at a non-descript state university in the northwest. I make $82,000.
- I'm at a nice community college in Washington State. I make $47,000.
- I really don't think it's any of anyone's business, but $60,000. And I'm worth every nickel.
- I'm a second year assistant professor in the social sciences at a medium sized university in the intra-mountain west. I make $68,000.
- I can't afford a nice car, but my salary sounds pretty good for the 8 months a year i work - $62,5000 for a total of 5 classes.
- $74,250 as an associate at a very good regional university in the midwest. My salary next year as a full "proffie" will be about $80,000. Not bad for a kid who flunked freshman Psych 2 times and was a Beer Pong champion.
- I live in Wicked Walter's state! 2/2/1 load, $69,111. (Exactly.)
- My salary this year is $38,750. I teach 5/5.
- My salary got CUT this year from $80, 250 to $77,750 and I STILL have to teach 3/3, including 2 freshman sections.
- I am a part-timer only, but usually teach 10 sections a year (including summer). Last school year it added up to $26,700.
- Full professor at a Big 10 school. $154,000.
- I've spent my entire career at a chuch school in the deep south and I make $87,250 as a full professor.
- I am a humanities prof, so therefore try to remember that I don't teach for money...that'd be obvious if you did my taxes. 4/4 load, 6 freshman classes, $40,000.
- I finished my Ph.D. three years ago but am still adjuncting in a large northeastern city. If I'm lucky I get about 4 classes a year for about $15,000 per year. Not surprisingly, I have other jobs.
- 4/3 teaching. Service, of course. $45,000.
- My very first contract as a t-t prof in math shows a starting salary of $72,500. I want MORE, though...of course.
- Midwest private liberal arts college; science; second year; 2/2/2; $52k. More if I get a grant.
- Junior college in the northeast. $70,000, but I've been here forever. Our new hire will make $45,000.
- I'm not telling YOU. But around $50,000 and I teach 1/1 but have a lot of administrative duties.
- This is a stupid question and survey. You won't get any usable data. I make $90,000 and I don't teach nights, weekends, summers, or Fridays. Boo-Yah. And, yes, Economists Rule.
- 3/3 at a large Canadian uni. $66,000.33. (And I'm not kidding.)
- I know you probably don't want a narrative, but I thought it would help. I am a trailing spouse and left a 2/2 job at $65,000 for part-time adjunct work teaching 6 classes a year that TOTALS $14,400 for the year. So, yeah, I'm pissed off.
- 5/5; $56,000.
- 4/4 - $70,000.
- 2/1 (full research load including grad student mentoring) @ $97,5000.
- Party school in the southwest, $48,000.
- $77,700, about to be cut to $72,000, for a 2-2 load at a public R1 institution in a high-cost-of-living state. I am an Advanced Associate about to go up to Full, and have been there for 10 years. Includes publish-or-perish performance reviews every 2-3 years and a serious service burden.