- 5th grade teacher distributes homemade sex tape to students. And we used to just get lollipops from ours. From CBSnews.com
- College filmmakers get busted for shooting public sex simulation. And From Myrtle Beach Time News.
- Teen girls get paid not to get pregnant through UNC-Greensboro program. Teen boys apparently getting nothing, just like usual. From Inside Higher Ed.
- Students on Facebook down; 55+ on Facebook up! You're more likely to find your dad than your broheims. From ZDnet.com
- Colleges teach student-athletes the pitfalls of social networking. "Here's me, here's the trophy, and here's my dingle." From ESPN.com.
- Some proffies love the concise nature of the 140 character tweet. And how many of the 140 characters are plagiarized? From Washington Post.