She, like many students, came out of college with a couple of degrees and a lot of debt. She says, "From my experience as a student and college recruiter, I have come to see American colleges as a commercial product that’s not always relevant or effective for the pursuits of career seekers."
To which we reply, "But how did you like the cafeteria food?"
Anyway, she got a decent review in Kirkus Reviews; they called the book a "punchy manifesto on the evils of higher education." Blah blah blah. We like punchy. We like evil.
We love that in her promo material April fesses up with a terrific litany of past occupations, including cocktail waitress, blackjack dealer, and fitness instructor. We think these are all good professions, much better than anything in the academy, and we hope that the next time we need three fingers of scotch or to double down, that April will be there.