I reached my breaking point. Long story, short: my students in my survey course are convinced I am not here to help them succeed.
When one of their classmates submitted 10 questions, less than 48 hours before an exam, and I posted a six page response to the class web site, how is that not helping them to succeed?
When I post a two page comment about a topic they need for their project, how is that not helping them to succeed?
When I provide an outline with major and minor headings, a workbook, and a rubric for said project, how is that not helping them to succeed?

When I post needed formulae and additional explanation for quantitative analysis ahead of an assignment, how is that not helping them to succeed?
When I meet with students outside of office hours, how is that not helping to succeed?
I stood there blankly, bile rising up listening to this snowflake make this statement.
Another snowflake followed with, "there is soooo muuuuuch information in the book. How are we to know what is important and what is not. A study guide would help."
Where does it end?
How about I outline the chapter for you?
How about I give you a list of a hundred questions and tell you 50 of these hundred questions will be on the exam?
How about I give you 50 questions and tell you these questions will be on the exam?
How about I give you 50 questions, mark the correct answers, and tell you these questions will be on the exam?
How about I bubble in the answer sheet with the correct answers?
Do these dumb asses ever take responsibility for their learning and knowledge?
Oh, boo hoo. We have to spend 20 hours outside of class for every 4 hours we are in your class.
Grow up you whiny bastards. If you cannot or will not do the work, then suck it up, drop the class, and go waste someone else's time. Better yet. Drop out, try to get a job. Whine to your boss about how much work there is, how the work process does not fit your work style, and how you cannot figure out to prioritize your time. While you are dropping your snowflake rant on her, she is mentally reviewing the 10 candidates who are more qualified than you, have more experience than you, and have more education than you. Thanks to the last eight years of economic mismanagement, jobs are pretty fucking scarce and job seekers are pretty fucking plentiful. Why should anyone put up with your bullshit?
On the first day, I told them this class was a killer and how to prepare for class. Halfway through the class, these snowflakes seem genuinely surprised that I spoke the fucking truth on the first day of class.
I stood there, reminded them of how I suggested they prepare for class, and started my lecture for the day's chapter. If I hear one more whine, then I will walk out of class and wish them luck with the final.