In a recent Powerpoint project she presented information about various social networking avenues that her generation uses, and she finished with a couple of slides specifically on Twitter. It's something I'd heard of but had never checked out.
So, after class I went to her page (the one listed on the project she turned in.) It actually was pretty interesting. The opening several "tweets" were about her presentation itself, notes to her collaborators, a sort of real-time brainstorming session. I was impressed by it.
I kept flipping page to page until I came across this series:
gasbag still going
8:42 am, Monday, Nov 3rd from iPhone
reminds us to take notes. duh!
8:37 am, Monday, Nov 3rd from iPhone
blah blah blah blah
8:32 am, Monday, Nov 3rd from iPhone
everyone in here is so f&*(ing stupid
8:24 am, Monday, Nov 3rd from iPhone
reminds us that the projects are due, like I can't read syllabi
8:17 am, Monday, Nov 3rd from iPhone
another big waste of time class is underway
8:08 am, Monday, Nov 3rd from iPhone
And, I sort of chuckled at the hapless proffie who was the subject of all this until I noticed the time and day of the posts. It's my class. I'm the gasbag.