- You should be ashamed of yourselves.
- I hope my son/daughter never gets you for a professor.
- I have some stories I could tell you!
- How come you never publish my stuff? It's better than that shit
you put up yesterday.
- I really appreciate my professors.
- My professors are all dipshits.
- If it's so bad, why don't you quit?
- You lazy bastards only work 8 months a year. How hard can it be?
- Do you love Asian ladies as much as we do?
- Don't you want your ©0¢K to be bigger to bring more pleasure?
- That post today was the worst thing you ever put up. This site was much funnier before.
- That post today was the best thing you've ever had. You should do more of that. You're much funnier now than before.
A First Time Reader:
- This is so funny.
- I had this idea before you guys, and my version would have been better.