I resolve to pay more attention to my physical and spiritual health.
- I resolve to put my family first this year.
- I resolve to put my career first this year.
- I resolve to read more than a week ahead of my students.
- I resolve to make my students lead more classes from now on.
- I resolve to let my hair down and be more myself.
- I resolve to not take out my frustrations on my students.
- I resolve to let the punishment fit the crime. (Do you hear me, pinheads?)
- I resolve to get closer to my students, to be their friend and mentor.
- I resolve to remind myself that I'm there to be a professor, not my students' best friend.
- I resolve not to be afraid of applying appropriate discipline as warranted.
- I resolve to sort out classroom problems without calling in the helpless help of administration and the like.
- I resolve to warm up as a professor. My students will learn better if they like the person who is their leader.
- I resolve to be OK with not being liked.
- I resolve to strike a better balance between teaching and writing.
- I resolve to spend much more time on my research this year, since it's the thing that will help me progress in my career.
- I resolve to quit worrying about my "career," and just focus on doing a good job.
- I resolve to put teaching first, since it's the thing I love the most.
- I resolve to give my career one last chance. If I can't find happiness, this will be my last semester.
- I resolve to make the most of where I am instead of complaining about how much I'd rather be somewhere else.
- I resolve to take the first job I get offered out of state. I don't care if I'm teaching night school to bugs. I can't live here anymore.
- I resolve to prevent my not having a tenure-track job from interfering with my self-respect.
- I resolve to get off the adjunct track this year.
- I resolve to step back after this semester and take a part-time teaching position. I've taught long enough.
- I resolve to go on at least one date during 2008. (Hey, a boy can dream, right?)
- I resolve to start dating again!
- I resolve to focus on my swell new boyfriend (SNB), and forget about waiting for something better to come out of the anthropology department! (They DO have the most sex, by the way.)
- I resolve to stop making New Year's resolutions.
- I resolve to stop making New Year's resolutions that are stupid.
- I resolve to follow at least one of my resolutions this year. Not this one, though!