Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Snooze This

Poor Longtime Reader. S/he wants more stone-carrying, fence-swinging, kick-'em-in-the-ass rating of students and less pathetic whining about how hard it is to take pleasure in teaching these days.

Of course, where PLR misses the clue boat -- badly -- is that this site's content comes from its readers. And so instead of passing along a juicy smackdown on a poor excuse for a student, s/he offers up . . . a short, dull bit of pathetic whining about how hard it is to take pleasure in RYS these days. PLR doesn't want to put any real effort into the endeavor, but s/he wants very much to complain about how bored s/he is.

While everyone else is expected to do the heavy lifting of providing amazing tales of improbable student hijinks, PLR will sit on the sidelines watching quietly -- except when s/he wants to complain about the decline in the entertainment value provided by the people who actually are swinging away.