Wednesday, February 21, 2007

And Swath The Tutor In Gold and Purple Robes....

Dr. ScienceProf,

From my conversation you are aware that I am seeking a personal tutor. Please help direct me to an individual that best suites my guidelines below. Currently my past two exams were 58 and 64. I do not believe this third exam shall be much better. I anticipate graduating this May and cannot allow myself to falter in your course ["ToughScienceClass II"]. I need a C- or better to allow for my graduation as you are well aware. I am not aware of your flexibility for giving a C-. In the past professors have allowed for lower than 70% to be this, yet I do not want to be at such a borderline, for it gives me great stress.

I cannot excel in this course alone or in a group. I need a one-on-one tutor.

  1. male
  2. "A" performance in "ToughScienceClass I" and on the first two exams
  3. a 'laid-back' patient individual
  4. confident and enjoys tutoring
  5. willing to receive $10 per hour each of the following weeks for between 3-5 hours a week
  6. mature
  7. not a grad student

Times I have available: M-F between 4-8pm OR M-F between 1-2 pm OR M, W, R, 2-4 pm

Please inform your candidates of the above need and send me an email with the responsive candidates and their contact information so I may begin next week.